he loved my melancholia for how she made me a better lover he explored the expanding depths of the love i held for him and how my current softly wrapped around his body and glided him through my waters in an amorous waltz the calm before the storm is always soothing in an eerie beauty merciless sadness pours in a maddening monsoon she becomes too heavy to carry as you sink- me and all my grief swallowing you stealing the last breath from gasping lungs my love stands true with every atom vibrating off my bones but she’s a cruel love you’ll drown in my ancient sorrow thats coursed through my veins for generations smothering you until you ache like i ache- released from the cold bottom of my underbelly of suffering laid paralyzed and freezing anticipating for the warmth of my love that will embrace you in sun rays yet lava spews from my mouth incinerating all that you are because I am feminine rage wrapped in satin and lace my love ignites calling you to her as moth to a flame in a white heat your heart pulsates with ecstasy- my love turns to hate two sides of the same coin you’re addicted to the rush of loving, drowning, and burning you continue to flip the coin to see what side I land on holding your breath